Morning Basket: Family Learning Time for Homeschoolers

What a fabulous workshop we had last week! Thank you to everyone who came out to make it a fruitful time of learning and support. While there's no substitute for the in-person camaraderie and exchange of ideas (not to mention the tea and cake!), I wanted to offer a little taste of what you missed if you weren't able to join us.

Hard Work and Hospitatlity

Sadly, I was too busy to take pictures of the lovely ladies and the lovely spread. But, as I mentioned, there was tea and cake - on real dishes! And fresh lavender in a vase. And I turned off the nasty fluorescent lights and just used the can lights in the room. I made it feel as much like my living room as I could. My workshops feel way more "mom's night in" than "lecture in a library." They're cozy. You should come.


The workshops are also productive. The ladies who came left with a whole list of ideas of things to put in their Morning Baskets, and the star students even left with a Morning Time Agenda they can put into place with their kids on Monday Morning. I don't just throw a bunch of ideas at you, I give you time to figure out how to put them into practice in your own home.

Morning Basket How To's 

Just to show you I love you even if you weren't able to make it this time, I want to share a few of the treats I shared with the ladies who were there.

First, if you're not already familiar with the Morning Basket idea, I think one of the best places to start dipping your toes in is at Morning Time Moms. There's a series of posts there that will gently introduce you to the idea of having a family learning time in your homeschool. That link will take you right to it.

If you're already familiar with Morning Basket, check out Pam Barnhill's website and podcast, Your Morning Basket. Each podcast is an interview with an often well-known homeschooling mom about how they use Morning Time in their home. There's lots of good stuff there.

But you don't have to do a lot of research to get started with Morning Time in your home. You can (and should!) just throw some things in a basket and bust it out when your kids are all gathered for breakfast. Or if that doesn't happen at your house, do it at lunch time. Or institute a special afternoon cookie time and do it then. You don't have to have food at Morning Time, but it does help get people to the party.

Free Goodies!

To help you figure out what to put in your morning basket, I have two free printables for you.

First, this page will help you brainstorm what you already have in your house that you can put in your Morning Basket.

After you fill out that page, pick 4-5 things from your brainstorm list and go put them in a basket. Or a box. Or even a grocery bag. Just get them all together. You can buy a pretty basket later.

Now, fill out this Morning Time Agenda. Start with a prayer or a song. Then list the 4-5 things you chose in the order you want to use them.

Great! You're ready to start Morning Time with your family!

One last goodie. This list of Morning Time Rules. This is to remind you that Morning Time is supposed to bring peace and joy to your homeschool. If what you're doing isn't bringing Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, stop it.

Don't Miss Out!

The next workshop will be October 18 from 6-8pm. We'll be talking about Learning Through Play. I'm super excited about it and I can't wait to see you there! You can get registered for it here.


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