Inspired Homeschooling Workshops provide the tools you need to homeschool with peace, joy, and confidence. Learn to cut through the often conflicting messages about how to homeschool to tailor homeschooling to perfectly fit your family.

Start the Year Strong!
You’ve chosen your curriculum, bought your books, and signed up for all the extra-curriculars. Now let’s put your plan in place! This workshop will teach you how to take control of your curriculum and use it as a tool to serve you in creating the homeschool of your dreams. You’ll learn tips to ensure that at the end of a homeschool day you feel relaxed and encouraged instead of frazzled and discouraged by the things you didn’t get to that day. You’ll learn planning hacks for getting the most out of your curriculum while still embracing the freedom of homeschooling. And you’ll leave this session armed with printable tools to start the year strong. You’re going to have an awesome year!
When: Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 6-8pm
Where: The comfort of your own home! You'll get the link when you register.
Cost: $50
Past Workshops

Learning Through Play
Not just for little kids! We’ve all heard that kids learn best through play. But what does that really mean? In this workshop I will show you what exactly kids are learning through play, how kids learn real “school stuff” through play, and even how to transform a box curriculum into a play-based curriculum you and your children can enjoy together. This workshop will be especially good for those struggling to get through lessons with a child in PreK through 3rd grade.
Tues, Oct 18, 6-8 pm, Southglenn Library, Room B, $25
(Feel free to bring your dinner along. We can eat while we work.)

You're the Boss: Make Your Curriculum Work for You
Are you in control of your homeschool or do you allow your curriculum to control you? At the end of a homeschool day do you feel relaxed and encouraged or do you feel frazzled and discouraged by the things you didn’t get to that day? How can you make your curriculum work for you instead of feeling like the curriculum is running the show? In this hands-on session you will learn how to set learning goals for each of your children and how to find and use the tools that will allow you to meet the unique learning needs of your family.
Tues, Nov 15, 6-8 pm, Location TBD, $25
(Feel free to bring your dinner along! We can eat while we work.)

Morning Basket: Begin your day with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
Are you looking for a way to transform your school at home into a cozy, family centered learning environment? Are you looking for a way to teach a wide range of ages without tearing your hair out teaching four different social studies lessons a day? Are you wondering how to fit in all the good stuff like Shakespeare and geography and poetry and math games? Morning Basket is a super simple yet amazingly powerful tool that has transformed my home school. I’d love to show you how it can transform yours.
Thurs, Sept 8, 6-8 pm, Castlewood Library Conference Room, $25
(Feel free to bring your dinner along! We can eat while we work.)
Your Best Summer Yet - Brunch, Workshop and Mini-Retreat
Kick start your best summer ever by joining with some great women to eat some yummy food and make some awesome plans. If you were at the February workshop, you know you don't want to miss this one. If you weren't, come see what all the talk is about! More information.
Beating the February Blues
Feeling the February burnout? You're not alone. You know what always helps me? A bunch of amazing women and some good food. Let's get together and problem solve our trickiest homeschooling issues and help each other get unstuck. I'll provide tools to help you finish the year strong. You'll leave with a plan. You'll leave refreshed. You'll leave knowing that you can do this, that you're not alone, and that you are rocking this homeschooling thing. More information.