Baby Led Weaning

It seems recommendations for starting solids are all over the place these days.  I’ve got three kids. With my first, I did the whole introduce-one-single-food-puree-every-four-days thing. The kid hated solids and we threw away so many purees and the whole thing just stressed me out. With my second and third, I have followed the advice…

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That Kid’s Mom

Quirky. Gifted. Highly Gifted. Twice Exceptional. A Handful. Hyper.  Distractible. Bright. High Energy. Intense. Funny. Sensory Integration Disorder. Sensory Processing Disorder. Highly Sensitive. Fine Motor Delay. Some combination of the above labels would likely be used by the public education system in order to classify and process my oldest son. He’s kind of hard to…

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Baby’s Here!

So little Thomas has made his arrival and I have tons and tons and tons I want to write about. All in good time. I keep thinking about how things are different the third time around. And how much easier it all is in so many ways. My brother is getting ready to have his…

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Still Pregnant

Yup. Thought yesterday was going to be the day. Cooked some more. Cleaned some more. Payed the bills. Had contractions all day. Marveled at my perfect children. (Seriously, the 5 year old played happily with his action figures by himself while his sister took a 3 hour nap. When does that ever happen?) Woke up…

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Guess it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. As this post title would indicate, I’ve been quite busy nesting. I actually feel like I’ve been nesting this entire pregnancy. I’ve rearranged and organized the entire house. I’ve put little systems in place that make it possible for me to get my housework done – at least…

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Pumpkin Potato Soup

I needed to use up the leftover pumpkin puree from the oatmeal pumpkin cookies I made the other day. Since it’s been raining all day, I thought it would be nice to have some soup. And since I somehow ended up with two enormous bags of potatoes (I’m pretty sure the bagger put someone else’s…

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