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I’ve set up this little corner of the internet to share practical advice, resources, and camaraderie to inspire your homeschooling journey.

If you’re new here, let me point you to some of my favorite posts to get you started. Have an inspired day!

Taking a Relaxed Approach to Homeschooling the Early Grades

My first love is learning in the early years. It's a time when natural wonder drives a child to enthusiastically explore his environment. Unfortunately, it's also often a time when children are asked to sit still and do book work far before it's developmentally appropriate for them to do so. My graduate degree in early learning has made me a passionate advocate of taking a relaxed approach to school in the early grads - not just preschool, but up through grade 3. In this series, I tell you why and how to make the most of these years.

An Inside Look at My Planning Process

Ever wonder how other people plan their days, weeks, and years? In this series I give you an in-depth look at how I decide what to teach, how I set goals for each kid, how I decide which curriculum I'm going to use, how I plan our days, and much more!

Memorize the Beatitudes - with this free printable!

Who doesn't love a free printable? This one is awesome.

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