Fall Refresh Homeschooling Workshop

homeschooling workshop

November Reset and Refresh

As we all know, heading into November can be a challenging time for homeschooling. The days get shorter but feel longer, our curriculum isn’t new and shiny anymore, and routines start to feel stale and confining as our attention is drawn toward holiday planning and preparation. 

It’s time to refocus, reset, and refresh.

This is a great time to pause and evaluate what’s happening in your homeschool. You’ve probably been consistently schooling for 6-10 weeks or so. You have probably achieved a pretty good routine for at least a decent chunk of that time. 

You are also maybe getting a little bored with your routine and curriculum. And you might be feeling a little antsy or distracted as you start to think about the upcoming holidays. 

It’s time to refocus, reset, and refresh.

Join me for a morning that promises to both nourish and motivate you so that you can reinvigorate your homeschool before heading into what can often be the hardest time of year to homeschool. 

It’s time to refocus and reset.

We’ll take some time to revisit the plan you started the year with. How is it working? What’s going really well? What needs some tweaking? What isn’t working at all or has been completely forgotten? Is anything missing? 

Then we’ll spend some time looking ahead to make sure the current plan will fit the reality of the upcoming holiday season. I’ll give you tools to craft a plan that allows you to meet your homeschooling responsibilities while also observing the fun and beauty of the season. No one wants to be the Grinch!

It’s time to refresh.

This will be hard work. So we need to take care of ourselves while we do it. To that end, the morning will include time for prayer and Adoration, friendship, and a lovely brunch custom-catered just for us. 

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